For this release , we got the analytic , a new message popping up, no arc velocity. I didn’t see any use of angular velocity so I suppressed it, it was using space the bottom left corner.
Faster animation
I was unsatisfied with the previous animation, it feels sluggish . Now it’s more responsive but not too fast so the animation looks smooth. For developers, I simply changed SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL to SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME .
Need INTERNET permission . Let’s see if this permission scares away users or not. Just to know more about the demographics of active users .
New Message
Compatible with Android 4.0 ICS like you see on this pic. Yeah I got my Samsung Galaxy Nexus this week which I chose over the Galaxy 3. I introduced a Toast at each new launch to drive more traffic to . At least it drives awareness to this site. I’m hoping users will download my other apps too.
Version name
It has been a tradition to name each version after a explorer. For this time, I chose after Xu Fu
Euro 2012
No relation to CompassRay. For the finale, I will support Spain over Italy.
EDIT : Glad Spain defeated Italy, 4-0