I recently caught the bug of public speaking. I enjoy giving some talks
I run a public speaking group Toastmasters75 in Paris https://www.toastmasters75.org/club-officers
Not satisfied with the video recoding of my conferences and my own voice, I co-hosted a public speaking group at Toastmasters Center Berlin
And I am the VP of Public Relations http://centerberlin-toastmasters.de
DevFest https://2016.devfest-berlin.de/schedule
September 12, 2015 Droidcon Greece Thessaloniki
September 3, 2015 Tops Apps Partners , TAPE15 organized by Deutsche Telekom
August 26, 2015 Stammtisch GDG Android
June 2015 Droidcon DE Berlin June 6 , 2015
Some of my slides are on slideshare