Post SMS release Facebook

I’ve been thinking for long about an app to share SMS on facebook. Now I’ve done it.

What’s the use ?

Well I had a long SMS conversation once with a girl ( over 200 ) . I wanted to save all the text messages on my device. I found SMS backup from Christoph Studer and an improvement SMS backup+ from Jan Berkel. People save and restore their SMS because they cherish these memories . Just like photos, you don’t only store them on the hard drive. Once the photos are exposed , people get satisfaction when others comment on them. So why not for SMS ?!

Since the iPhone’s Message app , reading/writing SMS is a conversation.  I wanted a way for people to expose their SMS . The text as they received or sent, no SMS should be altered once in the box.

How to use

This icon will be used on Facebook wall.

You’re familiar with Message type app , it works the same way. The first page is like any SMS app : SMS grouped by contact. Click on one item and all the SMS exchanged with this contact are displayed. Then select the SMS you want to share.

screen story

For the moment , you can post the SMS from your Android smartphone to facebook . Top  preview in your smartphone . Bottom what it looks like on your facebook wall.

Note : share SMS that won’t embarrass anyone. That’s common sense. You don’t upload nudes photos of your friends . After all it’s up to you.


The app is asking for three permissions :
– SMS , to read your SMS shared across all the applications. So a SMS received or sent by another app will be present in “Post SMS”
– Contact to join a phone number with a person name.
– Internet to access the internet of course.

Is it malicious ? I could still record user’s personnal data. No I don’t . Anyone can check the data packet exchanged from my app.


Currently what I think is lacking :
– Sometimes a phone number is shown instead of the contact name. This bug happens when the number was saved as local number , but the SMS has an international number . Ex : French number 0611223344 is converted to +33611223344 . Each country has its own rules.
– Single Sign On ( SSO ) , you already have the facebook app installed , login into. You still have to login again. BTW I don’t catch your password .
– a notice for message posted or failed. There is a little window that pop up for a few seconds. I have an idea how to better integrate with the UI .


If you find interest, the app can be downloaded here

Please share your impression in the comments.

Post SMS release Facebook

I’ve been thinking for long about an app to share SMS on facebook. Now I’ve done it.

What’s the use ?

Well I had a long SMS conversation once with a girl ( over 300 ) . I wanted to save all the text messages on my device. I found SMS backup from Christoph Studer and an improvement SMS backup+ from Jan Berkel. People save and restore their SMS because they cherish these memories . Just like photos, you don’t only store them on the hard drive. Once the photos are exposed , people get satisfaction when others comment on them. So why not for SMS ?!

Since the iPhone’s Message app , reading/writing SMS is a conversation.  I wanted a way for people to expose their SMS . The text as they received or sent, no SMS should be altered once in the box.

How to use

This icon will be used on Facebook wall.

You’re familiar with Message type app , it works the same way. The first page is like any SMS app : SMS grouped by contact. Click on one item and all the SMS exchanged with this contact are displayed. Then select the SMS you want to share.

screen story

For the moment , you can post the SMS from your Android smartphone to facebook . Top  preview in your smartphone . Bottom what it looks like on your facebook wall.

Note : share SMS that won’t embarrass anyone. That’s common sense. You don’t upload nudes photos of your friends . After all it’s up to you.


The app is asking for three permissions :
– SMS , to read your SMS shared across all the applications. So a SMS received or sent by another app will be present in “Post SMS”
– Contact to join a phone number with a person name.
– Internet to access the internet of course.

Is it malicious ? I could still record user’s personnal data. No I don’t . Anyone can check the data packet exchanged from my app.


Currently what I think is lacking :
– Sometimes a phone number is shown instead of the contact name. This bug happens when the number was saved as local number , but the SMS has an international number . Ex : French number 0611223344 is converted to +33611223344 . Each country has its own rules.
– Single Sign On ( SSO ) , you already have the facebook app installed , login into. You still have to login again. BTW I don’t catch your password .
– a notice for message posted or failed. There is a little window that pop up for a few seconds. I have an idea how to better integrate with the UI .


If you find interest, the app can be downloaded here

Please share your impression in the comments.

Free mobile : un mois après

Un mois après être abonné chez free, je suis satisfait de la qualité pour moi rien n’a changé. Pas de conso excessive. Il est temps de faire un bilan.

Qualité du réseau

Rien à dire comme les autres. Mais ces derniers jours j’ai remarqué que la qualité s’est dégradé. Par moment il n’y a pas de réseau pour certains. Un collègue m’a demandé si je captais la 3G au bureau, pour moi pas de problème , lui ne captait rien sur iPhone 3GS.

J’ai rencontré un problème en appelant un mobile Orange le 5 Mars entre 16h et 20h dans Paris 13 . L’appel n’aboutit pas dans les  deux sens, ca faisait bip bip bip et “échec de l’appel” = ca se coupe au bout de quelques secondes sans laisser d’appel manquant au destinataire. La barre de réception était au maximum. Pourtant on a pu s’échangé des SMS et j’ai pu appelé d’autres numéros.  Pas testé si c’est d’autres Orange.

Itinérance / Roaming à l’étranger

Lors d’un séjour a Londres, mon mobile a switché sur “Orange UK” , “3 UK” . Je pouvais recevoir des appels , recevoir des SMS. L’itinérance est activé dans paramètres. Mais la 3G ne passe pas. C’est mieux que c’est Orange où l’itinérance étranger n’est pas activé par défaut dans Origami. J’ai pu envoyer des SMS en Russie ( sisi ) , mais une réponse du correspond renvoie “l’echec de l’envoi”.

Malgré qu’un pays est coché comme ouvert dans la grille des pays actifs et que le tarif du roaming est également publié et le roaming dans le dit pays ne marche pas, ce n’est rien d’autre qu’une information trompeuse pour attirer les pigeons.

Mais je me demande pour les frontaliers si ca marche et à quel tarif .