Timeless permalink

Before this blog had the following URL structure /yyyy/mm/dd/sample-post/ ex: /2018/09/05/sample-post/  . Most online newspapers follow this URL structure. It’s great when the blog creates a lot content.

Over time, I figured out my posts still had visitors years after.  In terms of SEO, search engine may not  directly penalize in their algorithms but people will naturally look for content with a recent date.

More over, I often updated old posts . So I had to change the permalink structure.

I removed the date in the URL so the permalink changed from  /2018/09/05/sample-post to /sample-post

Someone liked your old post and shared the link . Now this link doesn’t work anymore , it is broken. You have to redirect the old URL to the new ones.

The redirection must be permanent , use the HTTP code 301 . A 302 is a temporary redirection. I use the plugin redirection .

You could redirect URL one by one, it will be time consuming. Better use a regular expression ( regex ) . Mine is


Yoast redirect tool  is a great tool to figure out the regex from your old permalink structure to the new one.

More tips from the expert

Why use WordPress.com ?

If you have come to this page, maybe you’re interested in blogging, maybe you’re already using blogger or movable type. I used to have another account on WordPress until I could not log into when I was in China thanks to the Great Fire Wall. Then I switched to blogger which is convenient if you have a gmail address. But I was quite unsatisfied for various reasons :

Search Engine Optimization

WordPress has more advanced features. When it comes to SEO, meaning for search engine  wordpress blogs come first despite the fact blogger is owned by Google.  Believe it or not, here is a proof

wordpress.com | wordpress.org

Why not use a self-hosted from wordpress.org ? Some countries like China, Dubai block any access WordPress, Flickr , Youtube … So the best way to get around is self host or use a proxy. It’s affordable for about 4USD a month of hosting with domain name. Why do that when it’s available for free on wordpress.com PLUS you benefit the network of WP.com . Consider now you’ve blogged for some time and want to self host. Of course you don’t want to lose your posts and comments. It’s possible to transfer from wordpress.com, blogger, movable type to wordpress.org . So no worry

User friendly

Matt Mullenweg is cool and he’s just one day older than me 🙂 .  Actually I met him at WordCamp Paris, he is very candid, open and passionnate about what he does. I advise you watch any of his videos on youtube, he’s a visionnary at his age.  Coming from a non tech background, Matt’s visions of WordPress is very easy to use “You have to know WordPress is the last thing on Earth, bloggers have mind. It’s a disrespect towards the person if he loses time using it”. He openly described the software behind WordPress as clunky, there would be a lots of work to move to MVC. But hell, it’s better than TypePad and Blogspot. As users, we do not need to think about the tools when blogging we focus on contents. That’s the important part.

    I notice Google is losing edges. Flickr owned by Yahoo is cooler than piscasaweb. Since Youtube was bought, it’s less innovative. Blogspot was at the spot when Google bought it.

    So in short

    Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox
    Piscasaweb Flickr
    Jaiku Twitter
    Blogger WordPress

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