You found a nice theme packaged in a .jar file (eg. from Now you wonder how to change your IntelliJ based IDE to the new colors.
A long time ago, I wrote how to change the Theme in IntelliJ based IDE . The word “Theme” is misleading for Scheme (read below) and Theme (Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance > Theme).
In MacOS, the Preferences bar can be accessed at the top left corner under the application name or shortcut “cmd + ,” . Please post in the comment, how to in Windows or Linux.
In order to change the Scheme, go Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > General.
On the cog icon circled in red, select “Import Scheme” and select the .jar file.
And voilĂ , the look & feel of Android Studio Dark Kotlin
Now if someone has an idea how to import these themes from JetBrain, I am curious.