Tutorial: change Color Scheme on IntelliJ IDE

You found a nice theme packaged in a .jar file (eg. from http://color-themes.com). Now you wonder how to change your IntelliJ based IDE to the new colors.

A long time ago, I wrote how to change the Theme in IntelliJ based IDE . The word “Theme” is misleading for Scheme (read below) and Theme (Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance > Theme).

In MacOS, the Preferences bar can be accessed at the top left corner under the application name or shortcut “cmd + ,” . Please post in the comment, how to in Windows or Linux.

In order to change the Scheme, go Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > General.

On the cog icon circled in red, select “Import Scheme” and select the .jar file.

select the color scheme .jar file

And voilà , the look & feel of Android Studio Dark Kotlin

Now if someone has an idea how to import these themes from JetBrain, I am curious.

How to change UI theme on IntelliJ and Android Studio

This post is deprecated, please read updated this tutorial how to change the color scheme from .jar file.

If you are tired of the default look or darcula theme of IntelliJ (tested on 2017.x and 2018.x versions) or Android Studio , you can switch to a better looking theme . This is a very short process


IntelliJ with Obsidian.jar theme and darcula

1 Select your theme

color-themes.com has plenty of themes ( Sublime Text 2 , Monokai,) . Download the .jar file . Roboticket.jar is my current theme

 Import the theme

Import to IntelliJ or Android Studio by going to File -> import settings -> and select the  .jar file you downloaded.
Select All . press OK. Then Restart your IDE.


Note : if you use darcula theme previously , you will notice the new theme is only applied to  the Text Editor. The light theme clearly contrasts


3 Appearance theme

On Mac , go to Preferences -> Appearance  . You can also use the shortcut Preferences -> search theme on the top left search bar
Next to Theme , Select Default . Or Darcula if you are using a dark theme .
Restart your IDE.


4 The final look




Yeah I found it : yesterday I was looking for how to add tab on the upper page ( or tabbar) like on this blog


Not sidebar, there is a plenty of non sense plugin, javascript and so which add your page on your side bar. The solution : in wp-admin Pages> add a new page. Of course depending on the theme you use, the theme must display it. Everything is in the theme.

I was nearly switching to Joomla to own the  tabbar. Now just one thing I still don’t know how to a post to under a certain page